Greek Life
I want to go to a Yale where Greek life is a thriving social, philanthropic, and community-building force on our campus. Fifteen percent of Yalies choose to join Greek organizations, and most are committed to working in their capacity as members of fraternities and sororities to improve the sexual climate at Yale and engage in service activities. YCC must develop a stronger relationship of engagement with Greek life than it has historically if it wants to legitimately claim to be the voice of the student body.
What YCC can do:
Empower the new Director of Campus Outreach to be the primarily liaison between Greek organizations and the YCC.
Promote fraternity and sorority philanthropy events.
Regard members of the Greek community as potential allies to enlist in creating a positive sexual climate at Yale, and facilitate collaboration between them and organizations on campus that seek to promote a positive sexual climate.
Advocate the recommendations of the YCC Greek Life Task Force, composed of members of fraternities and sororities, next year.